Asistent Manager
Since 1998, we've been active in the Human Resources consulting market, providing regional coverage across four key areas of expertise: recruitment and selection, personnel leasing, assessment centers and consultancy. As leaders in Transylvania, we've expanded our reach to embrace a culture of continuous improvement, thereby strengthening our position in the Romanian and also regional market. This commitment underscores our dedication to evolve alongside the dynamic needs of our clients and the
- changing landscape of the business environment.
Our success stems from the professionalism of our services, the multidisciplinary expertise of our consulting team and our ongoing collaboration with those who rely on our consultancy services.
- term partnerships with clients across diverse industries such as IT&C, automotive, outsourcing, pharma, banking, FMCG and more, is our primary objective.
Our commitment to client orientation, teamwork, flexibility, excellence, dedication and responsibility reflects our aim to bring added value to our services.
- Inregistrarea si procesarea tuturor cazurilor de garantie si portgarantie;
- Administrarea relatiei cu furnizorul de extern de servicii de garantie;
- Evidenta pieselor de schimb;
- Raportarea rezultatelor si analizelor pe service;
- Monitorizarea si centralizarea cheltuielilor angajatilor: deconturi lunare;
- Notificari de plata clienti;
- Gestionarea relatiei cu depozitul (NIR, PV-uri, inventar, interfata intre depozit si echipa);
- Monitorizarea parcului auto: contracte vanzare/cumparare, contracte leasing, asigurari, consumabile si service;
- Monitorizare PSI si MM;
- Rezervari bilete avion +cazari.
- Studii superioare;
- Experienta de minim 2 ani
- un post similar; - Capacitate foarte buna de comunicare si relationare cu clientii, atentie distributiva, simt pentru detaliul semnificativ, capacitate rapida de decizie;
- Personalitate energica, gandire pozitiva, amabilitate si eficienta;
- Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza;
- Cunostinte operare PC (Windows, MS Office, Internet);
- Relatiile cu alte departamente: descrise in Regulamentul de organizare si functionare si in Regulamentul de ordine interioara.
Informații detaliate despre oferta de muncă
Firma: Sales Consulting Localiția: Bucureşti
Bucharest, Bucharest, RomaniaAdăugat: 14. 3. 2025
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