Digital Touchpoint Consulting and Support
Job Description
Main objective: Support for a Bosch Division
Digital Touchpoints
Verification of Digital offers (DO) of Bosch (Websites, downloadable Apps on Google Playstore or Apple App Store, Social Media appearances) before they go live and support the maintenance that the legal requirements are meet for all running DO.
Target: Digital Offer meets the formal and legal requirements of Bosch and internal division.
Activities / Responsibilities:
Enabling: DTM tool training for touchpoint owners and touchpoint managers
Classification of ME Digital Touchpoints (DT) with owners in the DTM tool (header data from which requirements are derived)Checking the DTs for compliance with the applicable national and international legal and Bosch-internal requirements, adjustment if necessary
Regular review of all ME-DTs in the tool for implementation of the requirements
Ensure that new DT are added, and all DT are maintained within the DTM tool
Support during audits of the individual ME-DTs, adjustment if necessary
- driven working approach.
Additional Information
ABosch Benefits:
Financial benefits:
- time fee, paid together with your first salary.
- case basis);
Work-Life Balance:
Health and sport:
- improvement is paved by books. Borrow the books that interest you and your family through the Library that comes to your office (and your home).
- building activities for your department, so you get to know each other and build trust among your peers;
Fii primul, care se va înregistra la oferta de muncă respectivă!
De ce să cauți de muncă pe
În fiecare zi oferte noi de muncă Puteți alege dintr-o gamă largă de locuri de muncă: Scopul nostru este de a oferi o gamă cât mai largă de opțiuni Lasă să-ți fie trimise noile oferte prin e-mail Fii primul care răspunde la noile oferte de muncă Toate ofertele de muncă într-un singur loc (de la angajatori, agenții și alte portaluri) Toate serviciile pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă sunt gratuite Vă vom ajuta să găsiți un nou loc de muncă