Field Service Manager
Job Description Potential locations to carry out this job would be geographically limited to this locations: Galati, Buzau, Vrancea, Bucuresti, Prahova, Bacau, Braila
Service maintenance activities
- site assembly and commissioning of delivered equipment, supervising and executing repairs on machinery or subassemblies at the customer’s location;
- site repairs, conducting studies and warranty inspections, adhering to schedules, training client personnel, and storing relevant data in the company database (Salesforce).
- site systematic studies and warranty inspections; performing specific activities in accordance with the established schedule; training client personnel according to a predefined program; storing data related to equipment/machinery/products in the company database.
Team coordination
Reporting and Analysis
Communication and Other Activities
- related events support.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- intermediate level both written and spoken, other Balkans languages as a competitive advantage;
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În fiecare zi oferte noi de muncă Puteți alege dintr-o gamă largă de locuri de muncă: Scopul nostru este de a oferi o gamă cât mai largă de opțiuni Lasă să-ți fie trimise noile oferte prin e-mail Fii primul care răspunde la noile oferte de muncă Toate ofertele de muncă într-un singur loc (de la angajatori, agenții și alte portaluri) Toate serviciile pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă sunt gratuite Vă vom ajuta să găsiți un nou loc de muncă