Junior Technical Office Engineer
Junior Technical Office Engineer
Client Description:
Adecco Romania is recruiting for its client, a major player in the road and highway construction sector, a Junior Technical Office Engineer, for Bucharest.
• Preparation of detailed project monitoring tools including daily, weekly, monthly and annually progress reports, Gantt Charts, timelines etc.
• Preparation of contracts and interim payment certificates of subcontractors.
• Maintaining communication and coordination with all stakeholders, including company headquarters, other departments within the company, construction sites, clients, designers, related governmental authorities, related local authorities to align with the project’s success.
• Visiting construction sites when needed, and after visits preparation and submission of site visit reports in order to state the risks, mitigations and problems (if any) to the management.
• Working in a good coordination with other departments and to aid if needed in technical base.
• Working as a member of the team in good attitude and share all information within the scope of the work to the other team members. Collaborating in a good manner.
Candidate Profile:
• Proven experience of at least 2 years in construction projects, preferably within large scale infrastructure projects.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering.
• Eagerness to learn and to be successful.
• Ability to set up and conduct good communication within the team and all other parties related to the work.
• Proficiency in using Microsoft Office softwares. One CAD software like Auto
CAD one cost control software like Windew will be a plus.
• Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail to ensure all reports and submissions are accurate and complete.
• Strong written and verbal communication skills in both Romanian and English.
• Ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines effectively,
• Holding driving license at least B class.
• Benefits package
• Opportunity for professional growth and development
• A dynamic and supportive work environment
Toti candidatii care corespund cerintelor de mai sus sunt invitati sa aplice online. Vor fi contactati doar candidatii care corespund profilului in maxim 2 saptamani.
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Informații detaliate despre oferta de muncă
Firma: Adecco Localiția: Bucureşti
Bucharest, Bucharest, RomaniaAdăugat: 6. 10. 2024
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