Oracle Database Administrator (Level 2) M/F
S department is in charge to manage a key part of the infrastructure such the core of the servers, databases, middleware, storage and OS. Within this domain, Oracle DBA has a relevant role, as this component is part of our baseline and cover a large part of our databases position is focus on the Administration of Oracle databases in European scope contributing to ensure the DBA services provided to the business are stable, resilient and performant. The DBA team is responsible for production support of all Oracle databases, most of them located in Paris. Support activities will include:
- day activities, the candidate selected must actively collaborate with technical peers to share experiences and needs, with the target being to collectively define solutions to enhance the stability or increase the performance of the services in scope. She/he must provide clear communication to the management team and when required or requested.
Nice to have:
- oriented skills
Fii primul, care se va înregistra la oferta de muncă respectivă!
De ce să cauți de muncă pe
În fiecare zi oferte noi de muncă Puteți alege dintr-o gamă largă de locuri de muncă: Scopul nostru este de a oferi o gamă cât mai largă de opțiuni Lasă să-ți fie trimise noile oferte prin e-mail Fii primul care răspunde la noile oferte de muncă Toate ofertele de muncă într-un singur loc (de la angajatori, agenții și alte portaluri) Toate serviciile pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă sunt gratuite Vă vom ajuta să găsiți un nou loc de muncă