Senior Engineer - Java & Spring Boot
A Senior Engineer is responsible for designing and developing entire engineering solutions to accomplish business goals.
Key responsibilities of this role include ensuring that solutions are well architected, with maintainability and ease of testing built in from the outset, and that they can be integrated successfully into the
- end business process flow.
They will have gained significant experience through multiple implementations and have begun to develop both depth and breadth in a number of engineering competencies.
They have extensive knowledge of design and architectural patterns. They will provide engineering thought leadership within their teams, and will play a role in mentoring and coaching of less experienced engineers.
ID Connect for Authentication and Authorization , TLS / SSL
Our values define the working environment we strive to create – diverse, supportive and welcoming of different views. We embrace a culture reflecting a variety of perspectives, insights and backgrounds to drive innovation. We build talented and diverse teams to drive business results and encourage our people to develop to their full potential. Talk to us about flexible work arrangements and other initiatives we offer.
We promote good working relationships and encourage high standards of conduct and work performance.
Fii primul, care se va înregistra la oferta de muncă respectivă!
De ce să cauți de muncă pe
În fiecare zi oferte noi de muncă Puteți alege dintr-o gamă largă de locuri de muncă: Scopul nostru este de a oferi o gamă cât mai largă de opțiuni Lasă să-ți fie trimise noile oferte prin e-mail Fii primul care răspunde la noile oferte de muncă Toate ofertele de muncă într-un singur loc (de la angajatori, agenții și alte portaluri) Toate serviciile pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă sunt gratuite Vă vom ajuta să găsiți un nou loc de muncă